Monday, September 15, 2008

Things I didn't know before

Louisville has been turned upside-down (or blown upside-down) by the edge of Hurricane Ike sweeping past the Metro City. Sunday afternoon was exciting and a little frightening with wind gusts up to 70 mph. There were many trees blown over, power lines cut and debris everywhere. Our neighborhood looks like a war zone. Fortunately, our house sustained no damage but we are without power. LG&E estimates 75% of the service area is without power and they say it could be up to 12-14 days or more before it is restored. Until then, we are living as the Amish. You can learn a lot of things when you have to improvise without electricity:
1. We have some very nice neighbors. No one is staying indoors since there is no TV, no air-conditioning, no lights, etc.
2. You can grill almost anything on the gas grill (bacon, frozen pizza, breakfast pastries, soup, cheese sandwiches, etc.)
3. Gas-powered generators take a lot of gas - which is a hot commodity in town since every station is either without power or run out of gas.

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