Sunday, January 11, 2009


Nathan's favorite thing to do right now is to put together puzzles. For a 2 year old, he is very good at it. He has advance beyond the simple chunky puzzles(although he still loves them) to the multiple-piece more complicated puzzles. For Christmas, he got about 6 new puzzles (and a box with more 18 puzzles).
Nathan working on a 12-piece puzzle
Completed puzzle
He is so proud of himself

Chasing Lucas

This is the cutest video of Nathan chasing his cousin Lucas around and around my parent's house - check out the too-cute suspenders. Nathan was not interested in catching Lucas, but had so much fun just running.
Sorry about the camera movement (this is my first attempt to upload a video). If you cannot hear the sound, it is mostly squealing and background crowd talking.

Merry Christmas

We spent the Christmas weekend at "mamaw and papaw's" (my parent's). After opening our gifts at home and driving to Fort Wayne, we had a wonderful visit with family. The day after Christmas, my immediate family all got together to celebrate the holiday (my uncle & aunt, 2 cousins and their families). There were gifts for all of the kids and lots of food & fellowship.
Nathan and his cousins (Michael and Lucas) opening presents

Nathan had such a good time passing out presents to everyone and opening presents. He is not quite old enough to understand the holiday, but loved being involved in whatever was going on.


Jeff is now a 2-time graduate from Southern Seminary. On Dec 12 he graduated with his second degree from the seminary, Master's of Divinity in Christian Counseling. I can't believe that after all this time and school, he is really finished, no more school (really, no more school!!!). His job has not changed, he will still be working as an Information & Referral Specialist (I&R) and counselor at 7 Counties Services.
Congratulations Jeff!!!

Decorating for Christmas

Nathan had such a good time helping decorate the tree and the house for Christmas. I am always amazed at how much he can do. It seems like week by week he is doing and saying new things. Sometimes is seems like a lot of work to get out all the Christmas decoration and take the time to put up the tree and stuff. It almost doesn't seem worth all the trouble, especially if no one but us is going to see it and appreciate it. This year, Nathan got such a kick out of it that it was all worth it.