Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blogs I Follow

I have a newer habit of following several blogs. Some are, of course, friends and family blogs, but most recently I have been turned on to blogs by other moms (I guess I would call them "for-profit blogs", although I don't know if there is any realy money being made by these ladies).
I have been following Money Saving Mom for a while now. Crystal (blogger) posts a lot of coupons and money-saving tips and tricks. Who doesn't like to save money? I do. A lot of what she posts doesn't necessarily apply to me or I am not in a place where I can devote much time to the planning and organizing of these money-saving ideas. I do find several good ideas and good links to coupons.
My sister-in-law recently turned me on to Pioneer Woman's blog. I got her cookbook as a Christmas gift and checked out her blog online soon afterward. A lot of her blog posts are recipes (very good recipes; I have tried several), home-shooling tips (doesn't apply), photography (beautiful pictures, but doesn't apply) and life on the ranch (again, doesn't apply). Ree (blogger) is so funny and entertaining that it is fun to read her posts, even if the content doesn't apply to my life much at all. She has recently published a novel about her adventure from high-society girl to rancher's wife. I am in the middle of reading her book and am thoroughly enjoying it.
Tonight I was introduced to a new bolg that is going to be part of my daily/weekly routine, I can teach my child! I found this site on Money Saving Mom (I think she was a guest blogger publishing a craft or something). Although I am NOT crafty and don't have a lot of teachable moments with my kids, I think this is a very cute blog for moms who want to use everyday objects and experiences to teach their preschoolers. Hopefully reading this blog will help me do more with my kids to make everyday experiences, teachable experiences.

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