I have to share the awesome deal I got today.
Every other week I do my major grocery shopping after dropping the kids off at preschool. I first go to Whole Foods for produce, meat, dairy and some miscellaneous items. After Whole Foods I head to Kroger for the rest of my list.
Today's trip to Whole Foods yielded a half-full cart (see photo). As I pulled into the checkout lane, I noticed only one lane open with a cashier and the store manager standing by. They proceeded to tell me that their computers were down and started bagging my groceries before I could pay for them. I questioned the manager and he said it was my lucky day and I was getting my cart-load for free. FREE!!! Of course I thought of all the things I should have shopped for but didn't. It's a good thing I didn't shop even one minute longer because the computers came back on-line as they were loading my bags into my cart. I was told to have a nice day and I didn't have to pay a cent.
Tortilla chips, Veggie straws, Pretzle Crisps (x2), frozen egg rolls, frozen tater tots, frozen cheese tortellini, frozen stir fry vegetables, frozen broccoli florettes, bag of Clementines, 2 fresh organic broccoli crowns, one organic zucchini, carton cherry tomatoes, 2 organic Roma tomatoes, 4 Granny Smith apples, bunch of organic bananas, carton organic Strawberries, carton organic raspberries, carton organic blackberries, organic Spinach Hummus, Feta cheese crumbles, shredded Parmesan cheese, Laughing Cow swiss cheese wedges, organic cottage cheese, and Babybell cheese wheels
Approximate value: $75 (I don't know the exact amount since nothing was actually rung up on the register)
Out of Pocket: $0